Livestock feed increases ground ozone levels. - 8 May 2010  
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Livestock feed increases ground ozone levels.
Researchers at the University of California-Davis in the USA conducted a study to discover why tropospheric, or ground ozone levels are as high in California’s rural central valley region as they are in densely populated cities.

To find this source of ozone, which is normally associated with vehicles and industry as the world’s third-most prevalent greenhouse gas, the researchers in this rural area analyzed emissions from seven different types of livestock feed. They concluded that not only is fermented animal feed generating the harmful ozone gases, it is doing so at regional levels higher than those emitted by cars.

With related research finding that tropospheric ozone levels are increased in the presence of methane, whose single largest human source is livestock, scientists have noted that reducing meat consumption would decrease these detrimental ozone levels, while naturally removing fermented feed as a source as well.

Our appreciation, University of California-Davis scientists, for helping further clarify the key role of the livestock industry in global warming.  May such findings awaken many to the eco-importance of adopting the humane and conscientious plant-based diet.

During an interview published in the July 12, 2009 edition of the Irish Sunday Independent, Supreme Master Ching Hai, as on several previous occasions, spoke of the meat industry’s grave tolls while offering the quickest, most effective a solution to global warming.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Reducing these more potent and shorter lifespan gases, like methane, for example, will bring a faster cooling than CO2 reduction. Besides, these will also in turn reduce CO2 as well, as a consequence.

Livestock is the single largest emitter of methane. Moreover, because of methane’s faster disappearance from the atmosphere, if we stop eating meat the planet will be able to cool immediately – almost, yes. Livestock raising and animal breeding also cause many other damages to our planet.

Livestock, by far, is the single largest human-related occupier of land, the main driver of deforestation, the biggest water polluter, and top culprit of biodiversity loss. And that’s just to name a few of the damages caused by livestock.

So, this pollutant is yet another damaging byproduct of the meat industry again. We will destroy the world if we do not stop eating and producing meat and other animal products.
So, the organic vegan diet is the fastest, easiest, and most effective solution for a life-sustaining planet.

Zambian Children’s Climate Conference a success.
Nearly 200 youths aged 12 to 18 from nine Zambian provinces gathered in Lusaka for the opportunity to discuss how a warming planet is impacting their lives and their country, as well as propose constructive actions to counter it. Zambia is already noted as being challenged by global warming-induced droughts, crop failure and floods.

Climate ambassador Luyando Katenda was among the Zambian youth delegates appointed to attend the 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP15) as well as the Children’s Climate Forum (CCF) in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Luyando Katenda, 14-year-old Climate Ambassador (m): If we leave the climate change issue just like this as an issue without acting upon it, we will have massive negative results in the future.

VOICE: The current meeting, organized by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the Zambian government, featured lectures and workshops to give participants a better understanding of the planetary crisis as well as sustainable practices such as planting trees, harvesting water, and solar power.

Elhadj Amadou Gueye Sy, UNICEF Regional Director for Eastern and Southern Africa (m):Climate change is central to everything we do with regard to development.

It’s not only about protecting the trees that is important, it’s not only about making sure that the sources of water are preserved that is very important, but it’s also about taking action on a daily basis to make sure that what nature has given us be preserved.

VOICE: Participants were also inspired to return home and share what they learned to raise awareness and action in countering global warming in their communities.

Luyando Katenda, 14 years old, Climate Ambassador (m): When I tell somebody something, he will tell others, maybe three or four people, the same thing that he has learned.
So that information keeps on spreading. And we think that the dissemination of information will be quite high in Zambia of climate change.

VOICE: Kudos, all attendees of the Zambian Children’s Climate Conference, and many thanks UNICEF and the Zambian government, for helping arrange this important event.
May the Zambian youths’ commitment inspire many others through their sincere wish to save the environment.

Extra News
Following a series of meetings, representatives from India and China agree to work toward a goal of creating a large green carbon sink by reforesting millions of hectares of land between their countries.

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California, USA speaks at the first phase completion ceremony of the Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project, planned for operation within 5 years to generate sustainable energy for 3 million homes.

Japanese researchers forecast that continued global warming through the century could cause severe typhoons, defined as those whose winds are higher than 194 kilometers-per-hour, to increase by ten-fold per year.

Australian and US researchers calculate that a temperature increase of 7 degrees Celsius globally would render life intolerable for most humans, due to a level of heat stress that incapacitates the body’s ability to self-cool.