プラネットアース 愛のわが家
トマシュ オグリン:地球の資源を枯渇させる畜産業(スロベニア語)   

Greetings, eco-wise viewers to this week’s episode of Planet Earth: Our Loving Home featuring environmental advocate and chemist Tomaž Ogrin from the Institute of Jožef Stefan, Slovenia, a prominent research body founded in 1949 and named after the distinguished 19th-century Slovenian physicist Jožef Stefan, most noted for his work on the Stefan-Bolzmann law of black-body radiation.

Currently, the Institute employs more than 850 researchers in the fields of physics, chemistry, energy utilization, environmental science and other areas.

Mr. Ogrin is a researcher at the Institute and manages a project that provides youth opportunities to learn chemistry in the laboratory. He also oversees a continuing education program for professionals in the field of chemistry and other sciences.  

Today we present excerpts from our interview with Mr. Ogrin who, like many others, is very worried by the fact that Earth’s precious natural resources are being rapidly exhausted by various destructive industries, particularly animal agriculture.

In our talk with him, he suggested possible solutions to this challenge.

For more details on the Institute of Jožef Stefan, please visit

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