良い人 良い仕事
あらゆる生命の尊重を訴える:ヤチェク ボゼックとクラブ ガヤ(ポーランド語)   

Hallo, warm-hearted viewers, and welcome to today’s Good People, Good Works featuring a talk with Jacek Bozek, the founder and president of the Poland-based non-profit organization Gaia Club,  which endeavors to advance human and animal rights as well as better the environment.

Bozek (m): Formally, it is an eco-cultural association, named Gaia Club. It was established 22 years ago. And at the moment it is a group of people working together. I hope that it is also a group of friends.
Apart from working for the Earth, working for animals, we educate, and we inspire, as we often say.

Mr. Bozek is also director of the Gaia Club in the UK and president of the Gaia Club in the Netherlands. The first Gaia Club started in Poland and has its roots in lessons that Jacek Bozek learned from surviving a nearly fatal childhood illness. It was this deeply challenging experience that led him to have a profound realization about life. 

Bozek (m): Life is worth living. Life is something most precious. We, animals, the world, do not have anything more precious than life. I was a child who was very sick and from that moment I knew that it is worthwhile to value life. Life has its own value.

Through other life events as well, Jacek Bozek also came to truly understand that the desire to live is not only fundamentally important to humans, but to animals as well. This desire to protect all life, no matter the species, led him to form Gaia Club.

For more details on the Gaia Club, please visit www.KlubGaja.pl

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