良い人 良い仕事
輝かしい未来を追求する:パレスチナの希望の花学校 (アラビア語)   

Welcome peaceful viewers to Good People, Good Works featuring the Hope Flowers School in Bethlehem in the Palestinian West Bank, where students shine with the light of hope.

The School, which welcomes children of all faiths, backgrounds and ethnicities, has an enrollment of approximately 250 students aged four to 13.

Besides the nine subjects required by the Palestinian Ministry of Education, the Hope Flowers School’s instructors impart creative problem-solving skills and teach the merits of constructive contributions to society.
Also, at the School’s Centre for Youth Development students learn to recognize their inner self-worth, take responsibility for their actions and become independent.

To learn more about this wonderful place of learning, we will now speak with its director, Mr. Ibrahim Issa, who discusses the School and its history.

For more details on the Hope Flowers School, please visit

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