良い人 良い仕事
フェアトレード基金 - 持続可能な事業の提携   

Welcome, compassionate viewers, to another episode of Good People, Good Works.
Today we’ll explore the concept of fair trade, which uses fair pricing to promote just, sustainable commerce between farmers and workers in developing nations and companies in the developed world.

Fair trade items are consumer products such as tea, flowers and cotton goods produced in an environmentally friendly manner by growers and producers in developing nations who enjoy decent working conditions and receive fair market value for the fruits of their work.

The concept of fair trade has existed for over 40 years; but it was not until 1988 that the first Fairtrade labeled product was released, and since then a formal certification program has been established.
The popularity of Fairtrade branded goods has skyrocketed, with over US$2.5 billion spent globally on such items in 2007, aiding seven-million people in 58 developing countries.

Today’s guest is Harriet Lamb, Executive Director of the Fairtrade Foundation UK, who will provide insights into Fairtrade’s philosophy and how the Foundation has bettered the lives of people around the world.

Harriet Lamb (f): Fairtrade is a citizen’s movement for change, connecting producers in developing countries with people over here who buy their products to make sure that farmers and workers really do get a fair deal for their products.

For more details about the Fairtrade Foundation, please visit:

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