良い人 良い仕事
ルイス ロペス 未来の世代へリサイクルを伝える   

Greetings, benevolent viewers, and welcome to Good People, Good Works.
Today’s program features Luis Lopez, a caring man who was born in Uruguay and emigrated to Australia in 1974. Mr. Lopez now lives in Wetherill Park in the state of New South Wales, where he promotes recycling, a high-minded practice he has made central to his life.

Mr. Lopez has also written the English and Spanish language children’s book “The Recycle Gang,” which teaches youngsters about reducing waste, re-using items and recycling.

Mr. Lopez’s latest book, “Green Grandparents,” seeks to bring grandparents and children closer together through sustainable living. The text contains stories by immigrant Australian school children about native recycling methods used by their grandparents. We began by asking Mr. Lopez about his first book,
written in Spanish.

Luis Lopez’s books are available at www.TheRecycleGang.com.au
To contact Mr. Lopez directly, please email: moroni1@bigpond.com

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