良い人 良い仕事
グッドペーパー創設者張玲小氏との対談 (中国語)   

Greetings, wonderful viewers,and welcome to another edition of Good People, Good Works. Today we introduce Good Paper, a free, inspiring, bi-monthly Singapore publication founded by Mr. Chang Ling Seow that features only positive news stories in English and Chinese.

The young, energetic Mr. Chang observed that most media outlets tend to present sensationalized, pessimistic news reports, so in response he decided to publish only good news to uplift and motivate others.

Mr. Chang: Three, four years back I was a bit upset about the papers that I was reading to a stage where I don’t even read newspapers because it often turns out to be very negative or very impactful kind of news.

So, it’s my dream to read something that’s just pure, joyful good news. It may be events happening, charity, simple volunteerism or good things done by ordinary people.

HOST: Mr. Chang founded Good Paper based on his belief in the need to change the media’s approach to reporting. And together with a team of volunteers, in only three months he produced the publication’s first issue in June 2009 and the second in August.

Volunteers distribute Good Paper to non-profit organizations and at mass rapid transit (MRT) stations and other public facilities in Singapore, such as the Post Museum, Park Mall and National Museum.

With a receptive audience and an increasing number of helpful volunteers, Good Paper’s circulation has grown rapidly. A total of 25,000 black-and-white copies of the first issue and 50,000 color copies of the second were printed. Mr. Chang now shows us the first issue and highlights some of its novel features.

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