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Akiane(f):  I started to draw at the age of 4.  Nobody taught me how to paint. I just felt this energy coming through me. And I had to show it to everybody in the world.

HOST: Akiane Kramarik is an internationally recognized 15-year-old prodigy who lives in Idaho, USA. She is considered the only known child binary genius, in both realist painting and poetry.

Akiane(f): I’m just using my gift to inspire people to live a better life, to, just to live with more happiness and more love, and hope.

HOST: When 4-year-old Akiane began to draw sketches and her vivid visions of Heaven, with no previous exposure to books or television, her parents realized she had a gift.
At the time, Akiane’s family did not believe in God or discuss spiritual matters at home. But seeing her sketches and hearing her vivid descript-xions of Heaven, her parents realized there was a whole new reality that she was able to perceive.

Forelli Kramarik – Akiane’s mother (f):I knew she was not fantasizing.  She was very practical. She didn’t play with dolls. She didn’t like fairy tales. And she liked everything very serious. So when she was talking about these galaxies and intergalactic experiences and God, I knew whatever she was seeing, something was really there for her.

HOST: Since a very young age, Akiane’s spirituality shone, and its deepening could be seen over time in each new painting. She always remembers God.

Akiane(f):  Earlier in life, He spoke to me face to face. But now it’s more He’s speaking to me with sounds, with shapes, with sometimes animals even.But mostly with like the paints, as if it’s like talking to me in paints. I know it’s kind of hard to understand that. But it’s like each time I pick up that brush
from my palette, I feel we are connected. I don’t have to talk to Him, I already know that He’s there. It’s kind of hard to explain. But you know, I don’t think it’s never going to change dramatically. All I know is that He’s always going to be with me, forever.

HOST: Akiane’s art appears to emerge so naturally, when in fact, she works with intense diligence. Recognized as one of the most accomplished visual artists at an international level, Akiane has also been interviewed by many magazines, newspapers, and television programs such as The Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN’s The Lou Dobbs Show, and World News Tonight with Peter Jennings. Many of her fans ask her what is the secret to her success. She answers with ten of them, the first of which is “dedication and passion.”

For more information about Akiane, please visit www.artakiane.com

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