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Christmas Celebration with Supreme Master Ching Hai clip 2 
Christmas Celebration with Supreme Master Ching Hai clip 1 
The Gift Of Life 
Birds in My Life AD(Christmas version) 
Go green on this holiday season 
Alternative Living Ad(Christmas version) 
SPECIAL BOOK CONFERENCE Featuring: “Thoughts on Life and Consciousness” With Spec 
Celebrating the 14th Anniversary of Supreme Master Ching Hai Day 
Supreme Master Ching Hai Day Celebrations Around the World 
Performances by Supreme Master Ching Hai Intl Assoc members 
Performances by Supreme Master Ching Hai Intl Assoc members 
Positive News for a Peaceful Planet:Oceania, Africa &the Middle East 
Positive News for a Peaceful Planet: Americas 
Positive News for a Peaceful Planet: Asia 
Positive News for a Peaceful Planet: Europe 

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