勇気ある養豚農家 平和な生活様式への転換 第一部/2   
Part 1

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Part 2

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HOST: Halo wonderful viewers and welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants.
Pigs are among the most intelligent animals on Earth. In fact, according to scientific studies, their intelligence level surpasses that of a three-year old child. They are also very sensitive and caring beings as shown by the fact that mother pigs sing to their piglets while they are nursing.

The Pig Preserve is a non-profit sanctuary for abandoned, neglected, abused and homeless pigs in Tennessee, USA run by Richard and Laura Hoyle. Currently the facility houses approximately 60 residents.
Having had a chance to closely observe pigs for many years, Mr. Hoyle has the following observations about their nature.

Mr. Hoyle (m): These animals crave the companionship of other pigs. They bond very closely with other pigs. (For) the farm pigs it’s a matriarchal society. The dominant pig is one of the big females.

And everybody in that herd knows his or her place in the social order, and they are very comfortable with that. They stay with one another when a pig is sick. Within the herd there is this very intricate social structure, and friendships are made.

You have to be here when one of the pigs gets sick and goes through a lengthy process, to appreciate how the other pigs will stand guard over the pig, sleep with that pig, look over your shoulder when you’re trying to do something, give shots or something; there will be three or four of the pig’s companions looking over your shoulder making sure that you’re not hurting their buddy.

The depth of their feelings and the depth of their social structure  never, even after 25 years of doing it, still never cease to amaze me. Recognizing the sentient nature of our porcine friends, many pig farmers have made the noble decision to leave the industry and seek a peaceful livelihood. Today will introduce you to some of their heart-felt stories on the first of a two-part series entitled, “Courageous Pig Farmers Transition to a Peaceful Lifestyle.”


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STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY Follow Your Conscience:Pigs in Purgatory


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