A New Era of Reaching Universal Consciousness is Through Enlightenment P1/3 Feb. 25, 1992 - Malaysia (In Malay+Chinese)    Part 2
Part 1

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Part 2

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Where is Heaven and Hell? Part 1 April 1, 1988 Hsinchu, Formosa (In Chinese)

Be a Torchbearer for God - Part 1 November 25, 1999 Johannesburg, S. Africa

Spiritual Practice and Precepts -Part.1 Mar. 3, 1991 Portland, Oregon, USA (In Aulacese)

One Must Have Courage to Practice the Quan Yin Method Part 1 - Jan. 4, 1989 Taipei, Formosa

How to Make Peace on Earth Part 1 November 16, 1989 Buenos Aires, Argentina (In English & Spanish)

By Understanding the Law of Karma One Can Distinguish Between Good & Bad - Part 1 March 2, 1990-Formosa (In Chinese)

You are the Supreme Master - Part 1 March 20, 1993 Brisbane, Australia (In English)

Rediscover the Supreme Power Within Yourself - Part 1 May 28,1993-Hong Kong (In English & Cantonese)

Why We Need to Receive Initiation Part 1 Apr 11, 1989 - Formosa (In Chinese)

An Enlightened Person Does Not Need to Forsake the World's AttainmentsPart2Mar.22'92 -Korea

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and TV staff
Lectures from International Gatherings in 2008 and 2009
The King & Co.
Aphorisms scrolls
発展的なニュース スクロール
Peace & Freedom Scrolls
Supreme Master Ching Hai's Aphorisms