プラネットアース: 愛のわが家 環境保護推進のための屋上緑化 1/2   
Part 1

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Part 2

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Wise viewers, welcome to Planet Earth: Our Loving Home for the first in our two-part series on green roofs or rooftops covered with vegetation to reduce the Urban Heat Island effect, promote energy savings, improve air quality, grow fresh produce, minimize storm water runoff and lessen climate change.

There are two main types of green roofs - intensive and extensive. The former requires a large flat surface area, features many kinds of plants including trees and shrubs, has greater than 10 centimeters of soil substrate and is high-maintenance. The latter has less than 10 centimeters of soil substrate, is generally made up of herbs, grasses, mosses and other types of groundcover and is low-maintenance.

Today we will focus on the greening of building rooftops in metropolitan areas. In large cities, skyscrapers, concrete buildings, infrastructure and pavement trap heat from the Sun, as well as waste heat from cars, air conditioning units, factories and other sources, creating “Urban Heat Islands” or UHIs.

This effect can raise the temperature in a city two to 10 degrees Celsius higher than if it was a vegetation-filled rural area. The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states in its Third Assessment Report, “It is well-known that compared to non-urban areas urban heat islands raise [both] night-time temperatures [and] daytime temperatures.”

プラネットアース:愛のわが家: シャングリラ:ニュージーランドのビーガン楽園農園

プラネットアース: 愛のわが家 アースデー二〇一〇:地球を救う七つの最善策

プラネットアース: 愛のわが家 ポールルース:環境に優しく費用効率の高い有機農法 南アフリカ(アフリカーンス語)

プラネットアース 愛のわが家 川口由一氏の自然農 第一部/2(日本語)

プラネットアース 愛のわが家 有機栽培による屋根の緑化(中国語)

プラネットアース 愛のわが家 有機農業の推進 米国食品安全センター

PLANET EARTH: OUR LOVING HOME No Water Required! Dry Farming in Âu Lạc (Vietnam)

PLANET EARTH: OUR LOVING HOME Organic Farming 1, 2, 3's

Growing Fruits and Vegetables in Sand - One Story From Âu Lạc(Vietnam)

PLANET EARTH:OUR LOVING HOME Ahimsa Agriculture:Organic Farming without Soil


Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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