輝く世界の英雄賞: 危険に際しての無私の行為   

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Everywhere in the world, we can observe and be touched by acts of kindness. People from all walks of life, faiths, and cultures extend themselves beyond the call of duty to help others unconditionally.

Through their noble deeds, humanity as a whole is elevated. To commend virtuous actions and encourage more people to be inspired by their examples, Supreme Master Ching Hai has lovingly created a series of awards, including the Shining World Leadership Award, Shining World Compassion Award, Shining World Hero and Heroine Awards, Shining World Honesty Award, Shining World Protection Award, Shining World Intelligence Award, and Shining World Inventor Award, to recognize some of the most exemplary, generous, caring, and courageous people who walk amongst us.

Today our program on Supreme Master Television features a very special hero who gave his life to save others in danger. Mr. Douglas Frank Butler was visiting his family in Florida, USA on the occasion of his 47th birthday. He was together with his family and friends at Rickenbacker Beach in Miami, where Mr. Butler and his nephew were enjoying a swim.

But as they were leaving the water, they heard cries that some children had fallen into the water because the sandbar that they were standing on gave way. None of them knew how to swim and were struggling in the salty water. Without a moment’s hesitation, Mr. Butler and his nephew quickly swam their way to the children, ages 15, 12, 5, and 3. Mr. Butler’s nephew saved one child while other good Samaritans ( persons helping strangers, from Bible parable) pulled two other children from the water.

Mr. Butler helped rescue the last child, a 5-year-old boy, by holding him above water with his every might so the child could breathe again. The boy was eventually pulled out of the water by others, but by then Mr. Butler had lost consciousness, and moments later, his life.

輝く世界の発明家賞: みんなの地球を浄化する‐プラスチック除去の画期的方法(ヒンズー語)

輝く世界の英雄賞: アリソン マイエト‐非凡なベビーシッター

輝く世界の慈悲賞: ディディ アーナンダ カリカ‐モンゴルの若い生命を育む

輝く世界の英雄賞: とっさの機転、勇気、 愛で命を救う

輝く世界の英雄賞: ヴァージニア ロジョ、フィリピンの信仰の少女(タガログ語)

輝く世界の指導者賞: ヨルダンの禁煙保健法(アラビア語)

輝く世界の発明家賞: 頼信志博士による簡単で正確低価格の結核菌試験株(中国語)

輝く世界の慈悲賞: 平等な教育の理解:ネパール サマタ校創立者ウッタムサンジェル氏(ネパール語)

輝く世界の慈悲賞と保護賞: オーストラリアの先進的なペットボトル飲料水のない町植樹を奨励するマケドニア人オペラの巨匠

輝く世界の指導者賞と感謝状: ベジによる解決策の推進WhereTheyAre

プラネットアース 愛のわが家
ベジタリアン 高潔な生き方
良い人 良い仕事
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