動物に耳を傾ける:オランダのドリトル先生 Lロースルート (オランダ語)   

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Blessed viewers, welcome to Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants. Today’s show features Linda Roosloot, an animal telepathic communicator and practitioner of veterinary homeopathy in the Netherlands who has had a strong affinity with animals since childhood.

Linda’s deep interest in our fellow beings led her to study animal behavior while pursuing a university degree.
She is also trained in angelic energy therapy or healing others through the power of angels, and is a certified
Master Instructor of Integrated Energy Therapy, which she uses to help animals recover from injury and illness.

In addition, Linda is able to interact with animals through contact with angels and says this skill sets her apart from other animal telepathic communicators.

Due to her special abilities, Linda Roosloot has received much attention from the Dutch media, being featured on TV and radio programs and in newspaper and Internet articles.

(Interview in Dutch)
Linda Roosloot(f): I have been raised with animals all my life. I worked a lot with horses; I had dogs at home.
I have a passion for animals.

Besides that, I have a passion for spiritual development, for nature, for the environment. When I was at a turning point, where I wanted to work on my own development, I realized that I could communicate with animals.

フィンランド人 テレパシック アニマルコミュニケーター コスティアイネンさんの動物の物語 (フィンランド語)

Uniting Voices of the Earth - Animal Telepathic Communicator Penelope Smith, P1/2

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Peace & Freedom Scrolls
Supreme Master Ching Hai's Aphorisms