海の守護者 - オランダの海洋写真家ドス ウインクル (オランダ語)   

Since time immemorial, our magnificent Earth has been a home of abundant beauty, nurturing and sheltering myriad forms of life. However, we are now facing a crisis. The waters that make up four-fifths of our globe are quickly being depleted, along with its many wondrous inhabitants. In response, one gentleman is fully dedicated to conserving our planet’s irreplaceable underwater world.

Meet Dos Winkel, acclaimed underwater photographer, lifelong vegetarian, and guardian of the environment. His quest to save the world’s waters began 25 years ago, when he first discovered his love for diving while teaching orthopedic physiotherapy on the island Aruba.

He has since released numerous publications of his photographs to share with the public the amazing beauties under water. But he also quickly discovered that behind the exquisiteness found through the camera lense lies a frightening and urgent story. Many fish depend on these mangroves as a safe haven during their times of reproduction. They are also important buffers against floods.

Mr. Winkel’s concern led him to write the book “What's the Catch with Fish,” addressing the horrific tolls of fishing. Other human activities are causing immeasurable pain to our marine co-inhabitants. Mr. Dos Winkel also brings up the many harms of fish consumption.

We are with Mr. Dos Winkel, recipient of the Shining World Hero Award from Supreme Master Ching Hai, as he shares how consuming fish also means ingesting poison. Such harms from toxins are easily avoided with a vegetarian diet. Dos Winkel’s positive vision of a saved marine world constantly motivates him to go forward. Dos Winkel altruistically offers much of his funds to raising awareness in the race against time to save the underwater world.

Furthermore, Dos Winkel is currently working on an environmental documentary film, “Sea the Truth,” to convey how over-fishing, pollution and climate change counteract the very nature of our blue planet. Supreme Master Ching Hai donated €30,000 toward the film’s production and honored  Mr. Dos Winkel with the Shining World Hero Award in recognition of his brave devotion to saving the world’s precious oceans. Dos Winkel wished to share this honor with his precious wife and fellow caregiver of the underwater world, Bertie Winkel.

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