
The story of Mr. Felisiano Pueleanga truly exemplifies this noble love.
January 2, 2010 was a warm, sunny day in Auckland, New Zealand. Felisiano, father of five, decided to take his family to enjoy an outing at Glenbrook Beach. It was a regular bonding activity for the close-knit family.

Lata Puleanga (sister):
He loves to take us to the beach where he lost his life. Each and every one of our family or relation came from Tonga – he would do his best to take them over there – it’s like family atmosphere for us.

While his 9-year-old young son, Tino, and 10-year-old niece, Heleina Lata, were out swimming off near the boat ramp, they got caught in strong currents and were carried out further to sea. Panicked, the children screamed for help.
As Tino recalls, “Dad was watching just in case we drowned, so I yelled out, ‘Help, Dad,
please help me out.’” Felisiano immediately swam out towards the two children with another man. They reached Heleina first and the other man brought her ashore. In the meanwhile, Felisiano got a hold of his son. Tino said, “He held me up in the air.”When rescuers returned to the site, they found Felisiano was still holding his son up above the water, while he himself was submerged. Tino was safely taken ashore, but sadly, Felisiano was unable to be revived through CPR.

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