アフガニスタンの音楽財産を守る:名演奏家ウスタドS バクティアル師との対談 (ダリー語)   

Welcome, peace-loving viewers to Enlightening Entertainment on Supreme Master Television.
The beautiful nation of Afghanistan lies in south central Asia and is an important crossroads between the East and the West. It is an ancient land steeped in history and rich in culture.

The independent people of Afghanistan are proud of their artistic and spiritual legacy, which has inspired others beyond its own borders. Today, we will be acquainted with Afghanistan’s musical treasures through Mr. Ustad Sobeir Bachtiar, a master of both Afghan and Western music.

Mr. Bachtiar was born in Afghanistan and currently lives in Austria. He has toured internationally throughout Europe and the United States. Mr. Bachtiar’s destined journey away from his homeland began when he visited the Austrian Music School in Kabul.

Mr. Bachtiar (m): There used to be an Austrian music school in Afghanistan which we could go to after we finished the 6th grade. The purpose of coming here was to develop this music school in my country after I finished my studies. I came here after I received a scholarship to study music, of course, Western music, about 46 years ago.

I received a diploma in that field and also for playing the trumpet. At the same time, I studied opera and learned how to play the piano.

HOST: After graduating from the Vienna University of the Performing Arts Mr. Bachtiar began a teaching career in Austria; however, his heart’s calling returned him back to his roots.

For more on Ustad Sobeir Bachtiar,Master of Traditional Afghan Rubab,
please contact sobeir.bachtiar@gmail.com

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