クナラ王子の眼 第一部/3(オゥラック語)    Part 3

Filmmaking was introduced to Âu Lạc (Vietnam) at the end of 1890s.  It began to thrive in 1923 with the first movie co-produced by the French and the Aulacese based on the masterpiece 『The Tale of Kiều』 by literary great Nguyễn Du. Embracing the modern technology of our world's civilization and combining it with a diverse artistic foundation inherent in the country's traditions,Aulacese filmmaking nowadays continues to develop to enhance the nation's cultural landscape.

On Enlightening Entertainment, Supreme Master Television is pleased to introduce different forms of arts from Âu Lạc,as well as from other countries in the world,in order to share the beauty and cultures of the peopleson our planet.

HOST: The film 『The Eyes of Prince Kunala』 recounts one of the previous lives of Shakyamuni Buddha during the reign of King Asoka. Prince Kunala was a loving and forgiving soul who wholly submitted to Heaven's will. Those virtues were the shining marks of an enlightened saint that touched the hearts of and garnered the praises and respect of Heaven and humans alike.

We now invite you to enjoy part 1 of the film 『The Eyes of Prince Kunala,』 screenplay written by Kim Thoa,(Kim Thoa = female) directed by Xuân Cường, (Xuân Cường = male) and produced by Diệu Giác Temple. It will be presented in three episodes,with performances by Công Hậu as Crown Prince Kunala,Diễm Hương as Princess Consort Madhavi, Thái San as Prince Alan, Hồng Diễm as Princess Sabana,Nam Anh as King Asoka,Y Phụng as Second Queen Tishyaraksha, Nguyễn Đình Thơ as Prime Minister,Thạch Ngà as Bodyguard RaiCông Thế as Kamathi, Huỳnh Phú as Vedas, Thương Tín as Masoud, Minh Thư as Devi,Quốc Thịnh as Deputy General, Hồ Kiểng as Royal Physician, Trung Nhân as Governor, Đức Hiền as Eunuch, Uyên Trinh as Attendant, Ngọc Đặng as Yogi, Minh Ngọc as Physician,and other artists.


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