愛と抱擁 オーストラリア子どもショー   

Halo lively viewers!Welcome to Enlightening Entertainment and our presentation of “Love and Hugs – An Aussie Kids Show”!

Renata (f): Halo there everyone. Today we’re going to sing and dance and dress up, and tell lots of stories. But before we do, I’m going to say, Halo! Jambo! That is how you say Halo in Africa. I went on a big trip to a country called Africa. Let’s have a look at the map. Here is Australia where I live. I had to get all the way across that big Indian Ocean. Here is a tricky question: Do you think I swam all the way to Africa? Do you think I rode my bike all the way to Africa? Yes, that’s right, I got an airplane! I said, “See you later alligator, don’t forget your toilet paper.” I said, “Bye-bye, Mommy. Bye-bye, Daddy. I’m going to Africa, baby.” The plane left Australia, it went up into the sky for a very long time, I had two really big sleeps,(snoring) watched “The Lion King,” and then I got off the plane in Africa. But I did not say “Halo.” I said, “Jambo!” Can you say Jambo?

All (children): Jambo!

Renata (f): When I went to Africa, I went to visit an African kindergarten, where they taught me a very special Halo song. It’s called “Jambo Bwana,” which means “Halo, Sir.” And in this song you have to be able to move your hips like this, Hakuna matata (No worries). You have to be able to wave like this. Jambo, jambo bwana. Arms out like this. Habari gani?How are you?Thumbs up. Mzuri sana. I’m good. Arms out again.Wageni mwakaribishwa.

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