現代伝統歌劇 カルマの物語1/2(オゥラック語)   
Part 1
Part 2

Respected viewers, this week and next week, we are honored to present the world premiere of the
Aulacese (Vietnamese) modern folk opera “A Tale of Karma(Retribution),”specially based on the poem “Words of a Piglet” written by Supreme Master Ching Hai in her late 20s, through the adaptation of musician Thái An and playwright Hoàng Song Việt.

A vegetarian since her youth childhood, Supreme Master Ching Hai highly values the life of all beings, be they family pets or birds in the wild, humble tiny insects or powerful animals like elephants, bears and others who unfortunately have been captured for human entertainment.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has always felt much sorrow for the plight of animals facing heartless treatments. Therefore, since her youth, she has written poems reflecting sentiments of our animal co-habitants, such as “A Puppy’s Heart,” “Words of a Hen,” and “Words of a Piglet.”
Furthermore, Supreme Master Ching Hai is also the author of three #1 international bestsellers. “The Dogs in My Life,” “The Birds in My Life,”and “The Noble Wilds,”  originally written in English, have been translated into several languages such as Aulacese (Vietnamese), Polish, Korean, German, Mongolian, Indonesian, Russian, Japanese, French, Spanish, and Chinese.

Her dedicated efforts are reminders to human beings of the noble qualities and love of our animal friends, who always sacrifice themselves, offer loyalty and forgiveness, and bring wonderful gifts into our lives.

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