Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

The modern folk opera “The Heavenly Lamp” recounts the tale of the fairy Bạch Giáng Tiên
who was chastened for transgressing divine laws. Only when those who loved Bạch Giáng Tiên could help her find the light of wisdom would she be liberated from the regressive bindings that she herself created.

We now invite you to enjoy part 1 of the modern folk opera “The Heavenly Lamp,” written by playwright Bạch Mai and presented in 4 episodes, with performances by Vũ Linh as Hữu Lương the student, Ngọc Huyền as Bạch Giáng Tiên the Fairy and Hữu Nhân, Thanh Thanh Tâm as Liên Hoa Fairy, Chí Linh as Deity Dương Tiễn, Đức Lợi as Hữu Sinh, Minh Long as King, Linh Châu as Ten Great Monks, Tào Thành as
Prime Minister, Minh Thâu as Pampered Young Nobleman, Trung Quang as Giant Heavenly Dog, Đức Vinh as District Chief, Hồng Nhung as Mẫu Đơn Fairy, Vân Hà as Hồng Nương Fairy, Bạch Mai as Fabric Seller, Bạch Thu as Hồng Loan a village young woman, Bạch Lan as Hữu Phùng, and other artists.

 世界先行発表会「王様と仲間たち」 大作シリーズ 創作 監督 スプリームマスターチンハイ 1/ 9
 Save Our World” Concert from Mongolia P1/8 (In Mongolian)
 輝く世界の慈悲賞: イアン クラーク博士‐ウガンダに福祉と変化をもたらす 1/2
 グリーネスト ヒーローズ ガーラ 1/10
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 ダウド ハーン サドザイ:アフガン音楽の魂 第一部/2 (ダリー語)
 オゥラック(ベトナム)現代民俗歌劇 摂政女王イーラン 第一部/2 (オゥラック語)