ケアリングフォーカエラ‐子供と国家を助け 天与の能力を発揮させる   

Caring for Kaela is an international organization working to empower children’s lives in Chad so they can reach their full God-given potential. Founded in 2004 by Belgian citizen Ms. Nathalie Losson,the non-profit was named after her Chadian God-daughter Kaela,and is inspired by the spiritual message of transforming compassion into constructive action.
Kaela is every child,often victims of war, abuse, or crime. Helping them goes hand in hand with boosting their communities,and even the country,to rise out of poverty.

Nathalie Losson (f): 
Caring for Kaela came out of the church. I was inspired by my pastor who always used to say,
『Don’t sit if you know you need to be standing. And don’t stand if you know you need to be walking.』 And for him, he was calling the lost to Christ. But he was also calling
Christians to action. And this organization was created to take people’s compassion and put that into action. Oftentimes we see on television, visions of horror, poverty, famine, and something tugs at us but oftentimes we move on to the next thing. And so we wanted to take this compassion
that people felt and really try to harness that to have an impact in Chad, where we work.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and TV staff
Lectures from International Gatherings in 2008 and 2009
The King & Co.
Aphorisms scrolls
発展的なニュース スクロール
Peace & Freedom Scrolls
Supreme Master Ching Hai's Aphorisms