
Twelve-year-old Jason Noorthoek Jr. has good reason to be proud of how he saved his father’s life. One evening, Mr. Jason Noorthoek Sr. was in the midst of changing the fuel filter and gas tank underneath his wife’s car. He had used the forklift to raise the rear end of the car, but had forgotten to block the front wheels from sliding forward.

This caused the car to roll and fall on top of him, pinning him to the ground. Mr. Noorthoek was unable to move, his head was injured, and a crooked exhaust pipe pressed on his chest, making it hard to breathe. It was cold and no one was around.

Mr. Noorthoek(m):
On my mind at the time, I was scared that nobody’s going to find me. I was out there for, I don’t know, about an hour before anybody was able to find me. But my cell phone rang like five or seven times, and later my wife
had told me she called me like five or seven times. They thought I went to the gas station, so…

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