Dog spends eight weeks trapped with no food - 16 Oct 2010  
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Elder dog rescued after eight weeks without food. Sixteen-year-old Labrador Gail from Riverton, New Zealand was finally found by a neighbor after she had wandered into his greenhouse and the door had shut behind her. During that time, the canine, who is deaf and cannot bark, survived for nearly 60 days even through a heavy snowfall, drinking only water she obtained from a hole in the roof. Gail’s human caregiver, Lou Peterson shed tears of joy upon her return home. He said that many people had searched for her but that they didn’t even think to look in the greenhouse because of it being unused and the door being completely closed. Gail is now being given extra care and is receiving lots of neighborhood attention as she regains her full health.

We, too, are grateful for faithful canine Gail’s survival as we thank the neighbor and all who caringly participated in the search to find her. May Gail and Mr. Lou Peterson be graced with many more cherished moments together.
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