Tasty Persian Bulgur Wheat Cutlets (In Persian)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
3 cups bulgur wheat, soaked
2 medium potatoes, cooked
2 large potatoes, grated
2 medium onions, grated
150 grams soy protein granules, soaked and drained
Cumin (green or black)
Pepper (optional)
Oil for frying
Water (as needed)
Flour, soy flour, or gram flour (optional)

  1. Soaked 3 cups of bulgur wheat for 12 hours beforehand and then drained them.
  2. Mix the bulgur with cooked potatoes very well by using a blender.
  3. If the mixture if too thick, add a little bit of water – not much, so the consistency will be right.
  4. Add in the grated potatoes and grated onion.
  5. Add in the salt, turmeric, green (black) cumin, saffron, and pepper (optional). Mix it. Knead it. If the mixture is still not get a thick consistency, add gram flour as needed.
  6. Shape the mixture into a proper cutlet.
  7. The bulgur mixture is ready for frying.
  8. Preheat some cooking oil, and when the oil is hot enough, add in the cutlets.
  9. Fry the cutlets on both side until they are golden brown.
  10. The cutlets can be served with hamburger bun, or in sandwich bread.

File NO: 1560
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