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Reflections on Formosan (Taiwan) global warming seminar.

At the climate change seminar in Taipei, Formosa (Taiwan), many different representatives of society had the opportunity to assess the urgency of this period in light of the dire condition of our planet.

Father Brendan O’Connell, Catholic Priest, Founder of the Bethlehem Foundation: I think the message is that the Earth, the planet that we’re on, is in deep trouble. And there must be something done by everybody in this world to solve this problem. It’s a real challenge for each and every individual to come to make decisions about their own life, their way of living and even what they eat.

VOICE: The “2008 Critical Moments to Save the Planet: What Can I Do?” seminar was aptly named. From religion to education, government, health and media, participants warmly received the message as a call to action.

Lee Po-Lin, Principal of Taipei Hsih-Hu Junior High School (F): We all ought to promote the vegetarian diet both from school education and through governmental channels, for our own sake and for the sake of our future generations. 

Lin Hong-Chi, Legislator, Formosa (Taiwan) (e): If we consume less meat, eat more vegetables and fruits, then we don't need to raise so many animals. This is the practical action that we can respond with, so as to slow down or even improve the global warming. I believe the public will soon understand and realize the critical nature of it, and will take practical action to curb global warming. By integrating governmental power and the civil resources together, I believe the results shall be very effective. Go Veg. Be Green. Save the planet!

VOICE: As the conference’s honored guest, Supreme Master Ching Hai was invited to respond to concerns raised by the public and professionals in the audience. Her words provided a key note for the seminar.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Just ask yourself one question. Why not live a frugal and saintly life? The virtuous life? The life without guilt? The food without blood? To live without costing the Earth and all lives thereof? Just put down those meats. A simple change of diet can minimize so much dependency, can stop so much of suffering and can save the whole planet. Oh God, how easy to stop global warming if we just change to an animal-free diet; change to vegetarian lifestyle, then we would have the chance to keep this home that we so love, also for our future children.

VOICE: Our deep gratitude to Supreme Master Ching Hai, who has dedicated her loving energy and time to raise world awareness on our planet’s critical state. May we all embrace everything that is frugal, ethical and respectful of life, starting with an animal-free diet.

Hollywood actress Daryl Hannah on the best things for protecting family and home. 

Daryl Hannah has been recognized for both her roles in film and her eco-activism. She is known and loved for starring in Hollywood movies such as “Blade Runner,” “Magnolia,” and her Saturn Award best actress performance in the fantasy film “Splash” with Tom Hanks where she played a beautiful mermaid. A vegetarian since she was a child, Ms. Hannah has also long been an astute environmentalist. Supreme Master Television had the chance to speak with Ms. Hannah about the single most important thing everyone can do to help the Earth.

For more information about actress and environmentalist Daryl Hannah, please visit 

Daryl Hannah, Hollywood actress, environmentalist and vegan: Obviously, the best thing that you can do, if you really want to connect the dots and protect the environment, which will also protect yourself, and your family and your loved ones, is to adopt a vegan diet. It’s actually the most impactful single thing that somebody can do. On many levels: A, because of the methane that’s put out from the industry. Obviously it’s not a very humane industry.
It’s because of the transportation and fuel and petroleum and energy that goes into raising those animals that are treated so bad. There’s just innumerable reasons why it is scientifically and every other way proven to be the most effective thing that somebody can do. So you actually can’t really consider yourself a true environmentalist unless you adopt a vegetarian diet. It’s just the way that it is.

AUDIO: Daryl Hannah ha detto che attualmente nella sua vita sta lottando per essere consapevole degli effetti delle sue azioni e per comunicare informazioni agli altri attraverso il suo blog su internet su soluzioni sostenibili.

Daryl Hannah, Hollywood actress, environmentalist and vegan: Gli interessi umanitari, il benessere degli animali, l'ambiente, sono tutti una stessa cosa. Quindi qualunque decisione stiate facendo, quella è la migliore per voi e per la vostra salute che sono infine le migliori decisioni per ogni altro essere vivente. E tutto viene con amore alla fine, quindi diffondete amore e diventate vegetariani!

Inviamo i nostri più calorosi apprezzamenti a Daryl Hannah per il suo esempio illuminante e sostegno alla alimentazione vegana. La tua stella brilla per sempre sul cammino dell'amore e della pace. Che Dio grazi i tuoi nobili sforzi per salvare il nostro pianeta.

La cattiva gestione della terra mette a rischio un quarto della popolazione mondiale.

Mercoledì, l'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per il Cibo e l'Agricoltura (FAO) ha avvertito che gli effetti cumulativi della degradazione della terra in tutto il mondo ora sono una vera minaccia per la sicurezza alimentare di circa 1.5 miliardi di persone. Il Direttore del Dipartimento Terra e Acqua della FAO Parviz Koohafkan ha detto: "La perdita delle biomasse e della materia organica del terreno rilascia carbonio nell'atmosfera e colpisce la qualità del terreno e l'abilità di trattenere acqua e nutrienti". Lo studio indica che questi effetti potrebbero essere contrastati attraverso il miglioramento delle pratiche di gestione della terra.

Apprezziamo la FAO per questa tempestiva informazione. Che il vostro importante avvertimento ci aiuti a ricordare le nostre responsabilità come steward della Terra per garantire sicurezza alimentare a tutti.