La nostra Nobile Discendenza

Ananda Marga: In the Spirit of Love & Service to All Brethren - P1/2
Merciful Christian Heritage:Order of the Golden Age and Early Vegetarian Movements-P1/3
Tracing Vegetarianism in the Legacy of Ancient Greece (In Greek)
Ahimsa and the Karmaless Traditions of Jainism (In Hindi)
Remembering Our True Nature: Lao Tzu and Taoism - P1/2 (In Chinese)
Emanuel Swedenborg and Swedenborgianism: The Spiritual Church of Our Connected Souls-P1/2 (In Swedish)
International Society for Krishna Consciousness: Ahimsa and the Elevation of All Life
La fede Bahá’í e la dichiarazione del Báb - P1/2
Con l'amore di Dio, Associazione Cristiana Vegetariana P1/2
Il futuro dell'istruzione: Università e Scuole Maharishi - P1/3
The Bishnois Faith: Vegetarian Ambassadors to the Environment (In Hindi)