* Torta di prugne * Biscotti con marmellata di prugne fatta in casa - 1a parte di 2    Parte 2
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Parte 1 Play with windows media ( 65 MB )
Parte 2 Play with windows media ( 78 MB )

10 dark prunes
12 green prunes
250 grams of white or wholemeal brown flour
50 grams of brown sugar
A pinch of salt
¼ - ½ cup of water
Vegan butter
Cinnamon (for serving)
Brown sugar (for serving)

  1. Put flour, brown sugar, and salt into a bowl then mix them well.
  2. Add about ½ cup of water, mix well.
  3. Knead the dough together so it becomes like a ball.
  4. Spread some flour on the chopping board and roller.
  5. Put the dough on chopping board, roll it into a square piece.
  6. Grease your tray with some vegan butter.
  7. Put the dough on the tray, arrange it so all tray is covered, flatten it.
  8. Put prune on dough.
  9. Turn on the oven, put the dough into the oven, turn the knob to around 25 - 30 minutes and take it out.
  10. Add brown sugar and cinnamon.

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