Estratti delle conferenze della Somma Maestra Ching Hai, filantropa nota in tutto il mondo, rispettata maestra spirituale e abile artista, che illuminerà e renderà nobili le vostre vite.

Ricerca i programmi
Most popular
 World Vegan, World Peace: A Conscious Choice - P2/10 Chicago, Illinois, USA August 11, 2011
 Auspicious Locations for Leaders' Headquarters, a Boon for World Peace - P1/2 August 24, 2011
 The Living Messiah of Our Time - P1/4 September 3,1994, Hawaii, USA
 Leaders Preserving Our Future: Pace & Priorities on Climate Change - P1/7 Nov. 3, 2010, United Kingdom
 Humanity's Leap to the Golden Era - Washington, D.C., Climate Change Conference P1/10 November 8, 2009 - USA
 Enlightenment Is the Tool For Everything P1/3 April 14, 1993 Washington, D. C., USA
 Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and the Heavenly Music February 28, 1993, Formosa (In Formosan)
 Protect Our Home with L.O.V.E. P1/8 October 11, 2009 Taichung, Formosa
 Reunion of the Souls - P1/3 April 27, 2000 Auckland, New Zealand
 The International Conference on Human Rights - P1/6 May 25, 1994 Taipei, Formosa (Taiwan) (In Formosan)