Cooking with Chef & Author Miyoko Schinner: Homemade Vegan Yogurt & Cream Topping      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Vegan Homemade Yogurt
1 + 3 cups soy milk
(plain or vanilla)
½ cup cashew nuts
2 tablespoons
pre-made vegan yogurt
or acidophilus
Cream Topping
1 cup
vegan homemade yogurt
1 cup coconut milk
2 tablespoons
agave nectar
Vanilla extract
Fresh fruit


1. Cup of soymilk, half cup of cashew nut into blender, blend it slowly for 30 seconds.
2. Pour the rest of soy milk into a pot, add 1. and heat it up until it's warm to your skin.
3. Add 2TBS pre-made vegan soy yogurt or some acidophilus(start with unsweetened or vanilla)
4. Just mix them and pout into a jar, rap up with towels and let them sit in room temperature or warm place 4-8 hours(check the tanginess until it suits you)

<Cream topping>
5. Put coconut milk(to 1cup soy yogurt, 1cup coco) and agave sirup. Little bit of vanilla also. Stir them.
6. Spread over some organic berries.


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