Eco-Cuisines with Raw Chef and Author Bryan Au:Fruit Spring Roll and Chocolate Doughnut      
For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available
Raw Aulacese (Vietnamese) Spring Roll
Mints (optional)

Raw Chocolate Banana Doughnut
1 banana
¾ – 1 cup blended flax seeds

Chocolate icing:
Carob powder
Raw agave nectar

Fruit Spring Roll
  1. Chop up the organic honeydew melon and peel it. This will become the outside wrap of the spring roll since it has clear consistency and it looks like the rice paper.
  2. Cut the mango and the green apples and then slice them into “matchsticks.”
  3. Wrap them all in the spring roll, add in a little bit of mint and roll it.
  4. Garnish it and then serve.

Chocolate Doughnut
  1. Put the banana in the bowl and crush it.
  2. Add the flax seeds, mix.
  3. Form this to become the doughnut.
  4. For the chocolate sauce, mix the organic carob powder with raw organic agave.
  5. Drizzle this on top of the doughnuts.
  6. Ready to be served.

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