Vegan Smile Cake by Mongolia's Award-winning Adistai Company      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
450 grams flour
125 grams vegetable oil
200 grams sugar
25 grams yeast
2½ grams baking soda
2 pinches cinnamon
300 grams soy milk
300 grams water
10 grams flavoring

  1. Get the flour ready, and add baking soda, yeast (baking powder), cinnamon and flavoring. Mix well. Sift this dry mixture.
  2. Whisk well together the water, soy milk, and sugar until all ingredients are dissolved. These ingredients are now added to the flour mixture to make a batter.
  3. Pour the batter into the baking pan which is greased beforehand. Oven must be preheated. Bake for 30–35 minutes at 190–220ºC.
  4. Once baked in the oven, the cake should be cooled for 2 or 3 hours and then decorated according to your like.
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File NO: 1686
Conferenza sul cambiamento climatico con la Somma Maestra Ching Hai
La Somma Maestra Ching Hai parla dell'Ambiente
Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and TV staff
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Cucina semplice e nutriente con la Somma Maestra Ching Hai
The King & Co.
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