Divine Fruit Salad with Little Mongolian Angels (In Mongolian)      
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
Vegan Mayonnaise
100 grams soy milk
250 grams sunflower oil
Divine Fruit Salad
2 apples
2 mandarin oranges
½ cucumber
Vegan mayonnaise (any fruits available)

Directions (to make vegan mayonnaise):

  1. Put some water and add some soy beans to blend
  2. After soy milk is ready, add 250 grams of sunflower oil to the soy milk
  3. Blend it
  4. The vegan mayonnaise is ready now
Directions (to make fruit salad):
  1. Cut apple into smaller pieces
  2. Peel the mandarin orange
  3. Put cutter apple and peeled mandarin orange into the bowl
  4. Cut the cucumber (remove this white pith)
  5. Mix this salad
  6. Add vegan mayonnaise to combine the fruits
  7. Put our divine salad on a dish and serve it

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/vege_it/889

File NO: 1331
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