Fish-based oil and animal feed from dwindling species - 7 Jan 2010  
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Fish-based oil and animal feed from dwindling species.
Menhaden, a fish that plays a vital role in maintaining Atlantic Coast ecosystems, is suffering from decades of depletion through overfishing and global warming. Hundreds of millions of pounds of menhaden are ground into feed for hogs, chickens, pets and salmon, while also being used in omega-3 oils and in lipstick, paint,
and other items.

As described by New York Times journalist Paul Greenberg and US author H. Bruce Franklin, the menhaden is an herbivorous fish whose algae consumption actually purifies tremendous amounts of water.
However, due to population losses, places such as Chesapeake Bay in the USA are now muddy-brown and contain a growing number of dead zones. In addition, the waste of commercial pig and chicken operations flowing into the Neuse River of North Carolina, USA, has caused vast algal blooms. As millions of menhaden
try at once to consume the massive amounts of algae, the insufficient oxygen in the warm water has caused them to suffocate en masse. In the summer of 2009 alone, up to 50 million menhaden were killed and washed ashore along the Neuse River.

Of note is the fact that according to nutritional experts at the US-based Mayo Clinic, substitutes for oil obtained from menhaden readily exist in the form of plant-based oils such as flax seed. 

Our appreciation Mr. Greenberg, Mr. Franklin, and Mayo Clinic scientists. We pray that humans quickly cease to consume fish and meat, which are at the root of climate change and environmental imbalance. May all of us strive to develop compassion and live in harmony with our animal co-inhabitants. At a March 2009 climate change conference in Xalapa City, Mexico, joined by Mexican dignitaries and the public, honored guest Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke, as in other occasions, about the preciousness of every species to all life on the planet.

It’s not only oil but other of our actions as well, such as overfishing and chemical run-off from farms and factories. These all cause harm, because they do not consider the impact of our actions on other beings.

Every being on Earth and in the sea has value, no matter how small they might look, and something unique to do on this planet. It is our ignoring of this balance and the preciousness of all lives that has contributed to our global danger right now.

The way to solve this problem is through greater consideration for all lives. This means we should respect all lives, and in action. If everyone is vegan, having an animal-free diet, then there is a different outlook, different conception for development of all kinds. In our case, it will proceed with compassion and care, which is what we need to restore the wonders of our marine life.

Ethiopia's green hero to plant more trees.
In recognition of his eco-endeavors and achievements,the government recently awarded 11,000 acres of land to be planted with fruit trees to Ethiopian-born Gashaw Tahir and his Greenland Development Foundation. The foundation was established by Mr. Tahir in 2006 after he returned to his homeland from the USA and found that
the once-green and life giving land had become dry and barren, along with rises in temperature, loss of wildlife and widespread malaria.

Mr. Tahir thus began to acquire land, employ young workers from Muslim and Christian communities and has now planted over 1 million trees as well as established a research center to bring information to families on modern farming techniques. He stated, “My motto is making Africa green again, not only by just planting trees, but by planting fruit trees that will sustain (and) make a difference in people's lives. 

A big bravo, Mr. Gashaw Tahir, for your exemplary efforts to revive your homeland as well as create life-sustaining jobs for the young people of your country. May the Divine bless your work and that of many more such eco-caring citizens as we look forward to a sustained and bountiful Ethiopia.

Extra News
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