Birdlife International highlights the avian impact of climate change - 25 Dec 2009  
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Birdlife International highlights the avian impact of climate change.
Evaluative surveys including data gathered by US citizens over the past 40 years have revealed that 58% of the 305 species wintering on the North American continent have shifted significantly north since 1968, some by hundreds of kilometers.

A study in Europe has also concluded that without urgent action to halt climate change, European bird populations will decrease in size by one-fifth and move 550 kilometers northeast by the end of this century.
According to Birdlife data, even with the global temperature increase experienced thus far, over 400 bird species have been impacted. Our sincere appreciation, Birdlife International for your dedicated voice in support of our avian co-inhabitants.

Let us all step quickly to bring about change that will save treasured lives on Earth. During an April 2009 climate conference in South Korea, Supreme Master Ching Hai responded to a question on how being veg and going green could protect all wildlife, including the precious birds.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: In regard to the message, “I am a vegan and green, save the Earth,” this is surely connected to all the animals and the birds also. Once we understand one species of animals, we could understand other species as well. Being vegan simply means we don’t eat the animals, we don’t harm any animal.

This will save the planet and preserve the treasured wilds, such as the birds. We should all remember that we share this planetary abode, the water, the air, the resources, the food, all of nature, we share only.
We should not be possessive of nature. So, the best thing we can do for the birds and all the animals is to stop causing suffering to them, stop killing them, stop eating them, stop damaging all our habitats.
Stop damaging our environment. Be veg, go green and save their planet too, the planet of the animals.
Utility company to store compressed wind for energy use.
One of the challenges of energy generated from sustainable sources such as solar and wind is that they may not be available when the customer needs energy. In Ohio, USA, FirstEnergy Corporation has purchased the rights to an abandoned limestone mine, which it will pump full of wind-generated air during off-peak hours
for later use.
Once it is fully operating, the facility will have a capacity of 2,700 megawatts and be among the first such commercial scale compressed-air generating stations.

FirstEnergy Corporation, our green salute for your eco-innovation. Wishing you much success in benefiting people and the planet with this extended source of sustainable energy.

US town goes veg organic for the environment.
Signal Mountain, a town in Tennessee, USA has passed a Green Food Resolution, which is intended to encourage organic food grown from local farms along with sustainable plant-based diets.
Launched by Council member Paul Hendricks, the initiative was unanimously passed by the five-member Signal Mountain Council. To attain the goals of locally produced plant-based fare, the resolution also promotes farmers’ markets, community gardens and other venues that provide more organic produce options.

The US-based organization Farm Sanctuary, which has already been campaigning for awareness of the harms of animal factory farming, is encouraging such Green Food Resolutions to be passed in various cities across the United States.

A big bravo and many thanks Signal Mountain Council members, residents and Farm Sanctuary for your support of this wise and healthy initiative. May such a sustainable veg trend extend throughout your community and across the globe.

As a long-time proponent of organic vegan agriculture, Supreme Master Ching Hai has frequently explained its immense Earth-saving and other values, as during a February 2009 videoconference in Formosa (Taiwan).

Supreme Master Ching Hai: I wish that all the governments in the world would encourage organic farming to save our world.If the  governments lead the way with the message that this is how to be green, and how to protect the planet, then the farmers would be happy to grow more vegan food. To spread the practice of organic farming would help in so many ways.

The benefit of organic farming for human livelihood, for human health, and for animals’ health, natural resources and protection of our planet, all these benefits we cannot even estimate all in here. Organic farming not only helps to protect the planet, it will even help to eliminate hunger. So, I just suggest organic vegan

Extra News
An international team of scientists have study newly discovered biodiversity in West Antarctica’s Billingshausen Sea to better understand how marine life and ecosystems are reacting to environmental change.

The United Nations Population Fund reports that the Real Mountain Range of the Andean glaciers lost 24% of their surface area between 1987 and 2004,dramatically reducing clean water supplies to countries such as Bolivia and Peru.    

Plastics manufacturer Cereplast in California, USA designs and produces a range of environmentally-friendly plastics from vegetables and plants that biodegrade naturally and contain no harmful chemicals.