Community teams up to save stranded whales. - 2 Feb 2010  
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Community teams up to save stranded whales.
In response to a pod of 50 pilot whales that were found beached in Banks Peninsula on New Zealand’s South Island, some 80 community members, including holiday visitors, worked to save the whales and return them to the ocean waters.

Although 15 of the mothers and calves did not survive, 35 were successfully restored, thanks to the help of the community volunteers who were led by the marine-mammal rescue organization, Project Jonah.

The reason for the strandings, which have increased over time, is not completely known. However, scientists have suggested that global warming’s effect on the complex ocean environment is a factor.

We are saddened to know that mothers and babies lost their lives but thankful to Project Jonah and all rescuers for their tireless efforts to save the pod. May our greater consideration for the delicate marine environment allow the whales to continue gracing our world with their loving presence.

In response to a question about whale stranding during a 2008 videoconference with our Association members in Thailand, Supreme Master Ching Hai shared a deeper perspective on this behavior and its connection to humanity’s wider impact on the environment

Q (m): We have been seeing dolphins and whales stranding themselves in many places throughout the world, more often in the past few years. Are these events related to the global warming?
And are these animals trying to tell humans something?

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Yes, yes. They have been telling us a long time already, but very few listen. Poor souls. What suffering they must have endured, due to our carelessness and unkind habits.

Let’s hope the humans will develop more spiritually and understand the needs of the animals, and give them love and respect as they deserve. I hope the humans wake up soon. For their own sake even, and the animals’ sake.

If we just stop meat eating, stop killing animals for food, then 80% global warming gas pollution will disappear. And we will live in peace, health, happiness, and long life again.

Extra News
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