Rising sea claims previously disputed island. - 6 Apr 2010  
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Rising sea claims previously disputed island.
After 30 years of discussion India and Bangladesh regarding the territorial rights to an island situated in a river that forms a shared border between India and Bangladesh, the small land mass has been declared officially vanished.

Measuring 3.5 kilometers long and 3 kilometers wide, New Moore Island, or South Talpatti to the Bengali people, was first noticed in 1974 on the Hariabhanga River by satellite imaging, sitting at 2 meters above sea level.

However, since 1987, the island’s surface has been submerging due to the rising sea and now can only be seen at the lowest tide. Professor Sugata Hazra, Director of School of Oceanographic Studies in India stated, “There is no presence of the island now; recent satellite images establish this.”

Moore Island thus joins other isles regionally and worldwide that have succumbed or are effectively sinking due to the rising sea levels of global warming.We are saddened to know of yet another submerged island.
Meanwhile, we pray that the people of India, Bangladesh and indeed the world make step in unity to ease global warming via Earth-friendly decisions and compassionate lifestyles.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has on several occasions addressed the devastating effects of rising sea levels and what we can urgently do to halt them, as during an October 2009 videoconference in Indonesia.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: The threats imposed by global warming are more than imminent; they are already here, as you can see through many disasters, upheavals, climate refugees, phenomena around the world.

It’s the rising sea levels as well that force people to lose their home, their ancestral home, to go begging elsewhere; losing also their dignity, losing everything, not just physical possessions, but losing their loved ones as well.

We must change while there is still time. If we want to receive the mercy of Heaven for our life here on Earth, we must first be merciful in granting the same dignity and freedom of life to the animals.
So please, everyone, plant veg, be veg and we can go green later when we’ve already saved the planet.


Greece to initiate green development.
The Greek Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change has announced plans to allocate €1.5 billion, jointly funded by the public and private sectors and the European Union, toward environmental infrastructure and other green developments.

The plan also intends to create 12,000 jobs and reduce the nation’s carbon dioxide emissions. It will include such projects as the eco-upgrading of existing industrial parks, where environmentally friendly businesses can relocate.

New eco-business parks will also be created on several islands. Our appreciation, Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change and Greece, for this significant initiative to mobilize the economy towards sustainable endeavors. May you meet with fruitful success for the betterment of the Greek people and the planet.

http://www.bellona.org/articles/articles_2010/greek_green_development http://english.people.com.cn/90001

A new report from the United Nations states that Central African gorillas may be extinct by as early as 2020 due to human activities such as illegal killing for meat as well as logging and mining, which destroy the primates’ natural habitat.

Extra News
Heavy storms in Southern California, USA have resulted in the worst beach erosion in a decade, with losses of as much as 40 feet of beachfront in some locations causing alarm among scientists.

European Union scientists say that water shortages caused by disappearing glaciers in the legendary Alps, which provide 40% of the continent’s fresh water, are likely to cause discord as the energy, tourism and agriculture sectors face dwindling resources.

Touring the Aral Sea, which is no longer the world’s fourth largest body of water having lost 90% of her volume, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon calls upon Central Asian leaders to cooperate in finding solutions to restore the vital water body.  