Veg solution raised in Bolivian climate conference. - 22 Apr 2010  
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Veg solution raised in Bolivian climate conference.
As daily talks gained momentum at the “World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth” in Cochabamba, delegates from government, science, environmental, and indigenous communities formed working groups to develop a document that will be presented to the 192 nations of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

With a shared goal of halting global warming impacts such as drought and rising sea levels that affect the most vulnerable, leaders and participants, including Bolivian President Evo Morales, emphasized the empowerment of individuals in adopting more harmonious lifestyles.
Supreme Master Television’s correspondent brings more details.

Correspondent (M): In a colorful ceremony attended by foreign dignitaries, spiritual leaders, and indigenous groups representing all peoples of the Earth, Bolivian President Evo Morales gave a stirring speech in which he warned of the dangers of eating poultry, spoke against genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and encouraged a return to the use of curative traditional plants.

He further stated there was no need to have meat or dairy in one’s diet in order to be strong and healthy. Later, President Morales, the Bolivian delegation’s lead negotiator Angelica Navarro, and other high government officials graciously accepted press packs presented to them by members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association.

VOICE: Our Association members participated in the opening ceremony by holding banners and distributing SOS flyers and other information on the vegan solution to climate change.

Representative members are also serving in and giving presentations for the forum’s various working groups that meet daily during the conference.
Many people have been accepting the SOS flyers with keen interest in the alternative lifestyle.

Correspondent (M): Friends of the Earth - El Salvador president Ricardo Navarro, in speaking out against the livestock industry said:

Ricardo Navarro – Friends of the Earth – El Salvador (M): If you consider all the emissions in the world, more than half are related one way or another to production and consumption of food, particularly meat.
If we develop a vegetarian diet, which is better for our bodies than a meat diet, we certainly can reduce very much our CO2 emissions and absorb carbon dioxide also. So that’s a way out of the problem.

Correspondent (M): And indigenous leaders such as Ecuador’s Franklin Columba agreed, praising a change to a plant-based diet.

Franklin Columba (M): They savagely murdered our beings of nature from sea, from water, from mountains and really damage the own human beings’ health. They murder our living beings of nature and murder themselves automatically, because they hurt themselves, because this alters the organic system.
Our ancient Quitu grandparents have taught us a rich culture of experience and knowledge of how to survive only through the plants, the fruits that Mother Earth gives us.

Correspondent (M): Here at the conference there is a general feeling of love for Mother Earth and a determination to do what needs to be done.

Angelica Navarro – Bolivia’s Lead Negotiator (F): We are out of time. We have to do things right now and not to wait 20, 30 years.

Correspondent (M): Supreme Master Television reporting from Cochabamba, Bolivia.

VOICE: Our appreciation, President Morales, organizers and all eco-conscious conference participants for working together to halt climate change. May your earnest efforts and the prioritization of the plant-based dietary solution help to guide our planet and all inhabitants to safety.

In a July 2008 videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff in California, USA, Supreme Master Ching Hai emphasized again our need to act in ways that enhance the survival of all life on Earth.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : If people change to a more benevolent lifestyle that is respecting all lives, then we will beget life and our lives will be spared. And nature will restore the balance and repair all damages.

I wish to see that day soon, in my lifetime. It’s still repairable. But people have to realize this, and they have to know it’s urgent and they have to cooperate. The more vegan people

Citizens around the world join in protecting the environment for Earth Day.
 In the United States, an array of activities were hosted, including the Earth Day 40th Anniversary Festival in Washington, DC. Here, visitors were able to visit a variety of booths offering information on initiatives to help the planet.

Earth Day 40th Anniversary Festival Participant, Washington, DC, USA (M): Things have got to change. We have to do what we have to do to save the climate for our future.

Earth Day 40th Anniversary Festival Participant, Washington, DC, USA (M): We can grow some vegetables at home and we won’t have to do a lot of shopping.

VOICE: Meanwhile, in Canada officials have also been working to raise awareness on environmental conservation.

Stéphane Dion, Former Minister of Environment of Canada, Deputy of Saint-Laurent—Cartierville (M): The planet can no longer take it; so we must focus on these goals at all costs: having sustainable growth for ourselves and future generations, reconcile humanity with its planet.

Alan DeSousa, Member of the Executive Committee of Montreal, Mayor of Saint Laurent, Canada (M): Earth Day is an important day where citizens can get involved, where the community gets involved, and where we can make a contribution to recognize the value of what we can do to help preserve our Earth.

I will pledge to be active in presence with the entire community for the many different events that are happening and to show them that we support them and that we care.

VOICE: Members of the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association were also actively involved in numerous events. To the east, our Japanese Association members attended the nation’s largest environmental festival,“Earth Day Tokyo,” held at Yoyogi Park, for which Loving Hut Tokyohad been selected from 70 applicants to hold a booth.

Mr. Yu Nakajima, Chairperson of the Earth Day Tokyo 2010 Planning Committee, Japan (M): We have invited many organic restaurants that are located near the Kanto region, which are promoting the concept of “local production for local consumption” and are using seasonal food as well as non genetically-modified food.

Sunplaza Nakano-kun, Famous Japanese rocker, Vegan (M): Be veg, go green, save the planet! Yeah!

VOICE: In China, our Association members joined the Taiyuan Environmental Protection Volunteers Association in planting over 1,000 pine tree seedlings to help the continued recovery of the 2008 Sichuan quake-affected region.

Meanwhile, the Philippine organization “Bacolod-Negros Occidental Convenors” arranged a series of Earth Day activities, which our Association members joined to help spread the vegan solution to climate change.

Hon. Isidro P. Zayco Governor of Negros Occidental Province, Philippines (M): This is the only planet we have. So we have to protect it. We should be aware of our environmental concern regarding the conservation of our planet.

Student, Bacolod City, Philippines (F): I  will adopt vegetarian diet because this is one of the effective way to save the earth.

VOICE: In Formosa (Taiwan), the Taipei City Government Department of Environmental Protection sponsored the activity, “YES 417: Let’s Guard the Earth, Cherish Our Home & Halt Global Warming with the Vegan Diet.” Held at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, many groups participated, including the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association.

Hau Lung-bin, Mayor of Taipei City (M): Today, I see so many citizens come here to support being veg, loving our home, and halting global warming. I am very, very happy.

Tan Ai-zhen, Well-known actress, Vegetarian (F): Even though the participants are from different groups, they get along so well. It’s so wonderful and hopeful.

Yin Zhao-de, Formosan actor (M): We can start from ourselves and influence other people around us.

Zheng Yian-ji, Famous Formosan cook (M): Let’s all be veg to save the planet. The vegan diet is really great.

VOICE: We join all Earth Day participants in celebrating and appreciating our planetary home! May all of humanity strive to live in gentler regard for the each other and the environment to ensure the harmonious future of our ecosphere.

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