Marine life jeopardized in Europe’s seas. - 17 Apr 2010  
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Marine life jeopardized in Europe’s seas.
A recent assessment of biodiversity by the European Environment Agency concluded that urgent action is needed to address environmental stress on ocean life, which is being caused primarily by climate-related changes such as acidification, as well as pollution and over-fishing.

This report is the fourth in a year-long series titled “Ten messages for 2010,” each containing a message on an aspect of ecosystems and biodiversity in the European Union.

This most recent report highlights the intricate balance between oceans, land and sky that regulates the climate, produces oxygen and removes carbon from the atmosphere.

Imbalances cause disruption to species and can endanger conditions necessary for life on Earth. The assessment also affirmed existing evidence showing that establishing marine protected areas helps ecosystems to recover.

European Environment Agency scientists, many thanks for these valued insights that raise awareness about the vital importance of the oceans to our own well being.

May we all quickly engage in actions that sustain the delicate interconnectedness of all life. Supreme Master Ching Hai has frequently called on humanity to conserve our precious oceans, as during a May 2009 videoconference in Togo.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Balanced marine ecosystems are extremely important, as more than two-thirds of the planet is covered by oceans. They provide half of the world’s oxygen and play a major part in regulating the global climate.

So, life on Earth truly depends very much on the ocean for survival. In addition, oceans also absorb atmospheric CO2 – carbon dioxide – which directly helps to cool our planet.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: From the oceans themselves, we are seeing warming temperatures, rising sea levels, increasing acidification and terrible levels of pollution.

So global warming is affecting the oceans, which in turn is affecting the fish. This is an equally urgent situation as the one presented by livestock industry, and it has the exact same solution.

Stop eating the flesh; stop killing for food; stop eating the fish. This will help restore the balance of both the ocean and land, immediately.

First International Muslim Conference on Climate Change held in Indonesia.
On April 10, climatologists, religious leaders, environmental advocates and other participants convened in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia for the first Muslim climate conference of this scale.

Jointly organized by the Indonesian Environment Ministry and the Bogor City Government with support from the British Council, the World Bank, and others, the meeting sought ways to help motivate Muslim citizens in upholding “khalifah,” the sacred duty of protecting Allah’s natural order.

The forum also continued discussions begun two years earlier when the Muslim 7-Year Action Plan on Climate Change was established in 2008 by a smaller group in Kuwait.

Indonesian Correspondent (F): The first International Muslim Conference on climate change was opened in Bogor, Indonesia. Around 250 scholars, environmentalists, scientists representing from 15 countries attended this seminar. This conference also recognized and gives support to Bogor as a green city.

Dr. Moneef Zou’bi – Director General of the Islamic Academy of Sciences, Jordan (M): It's an opportunity for me to learn what is happening on the national scene here in terms of climate change, and hopefully to try and replicate the Indonesian experience for other Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) countries.

VOICE: During the two-day summit, participants formed new groups of environmental advocates that would help represent Muslims in climate change forums at an international level.

Ismid Hadad – Conference organizer, Former Head of Indonesian Biodiversity Foundation (M): The Muslim community is among the largest communities in the world.  If we could convince the Muslim community to change their behavior, that will contribute a lot to save the Earth.

VOICE: Furthermore, a joint Bogor Declaration was signed emphasizing the need to mitigate global warming through education. Delegates planted trees at a local Islamic boarding school to demonstrate that individual actions matter, as do lifestyle changes, including food choices.

Ismid Hadad (M): As we all know, meat has a lot of methane gas, and the more we produce it, the more dangerous it is, and this is not healthy too. So that's why among the steps that we need to save this Earth is to have more organic farming, encourage people to eat less meat.

Even in Islam, there is a teaching which is laid down on that, which we are now asking all the ulama (Muslim scholars) to translate that so that they are aware of this.

Correspondent (F): This is Supreme Master Television from Bogor, Indonesia.

VOICE: Our accolades, Indonesia and all Muslim experts and leaders on your fruitful eco-conference. Let us all join in swift and effective actions that include being organic vegan, for a renewing stewardship of our cherished planet.

Extra News
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Leading up to the 40th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22, US President Barack Obama calls for action from fellow citizens and suggests the web site for regional volunteer opportunities.