Eyjafjallajökull volcano accelerating glacial melt. - 12 May 2010  
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Eyjafjallajökull volcano accelerating glacial melt.
Icelandic glaciologist Helgi Björnsson has expressed concern that the glacier on the now-active volcano will not recover quickly from the massive eruption in mid-April, which is causing the glacier to melt more rapidly because of the warming climate.

In a past eruption of Eyjafjallajökull that occurred nearly 200 years ago in 1821-1823, glacial loss was prevented at that time thanks to an accumulated mass of snow that formed during the time period known as the "Little Ice Age."  Even now, in an unchanged climate the glacier could still recover from the regional heat generated by such an eruption within 10-20 years.

However, with global warming, Icelandic scientists have noted that the glacier is already shrinking faster than the snow can be replenished in the same year. Referring to the sudden added heating factor of the recent eruptions, Dr. Björnsson stated, "Now the outlook is even bleaker."

 Glaciologist Björnsson, we appreciate your insightful analysis of global warming’s additional impact on the Eyjafjallajökull glacier. May the balance of this and all other such monuments of nature be renewed through our sustainable stewardship of the ecosphere.

During a September 2009 videoconference in Peru, as on previous occasions, Supreme Master Ching Hai urged for action to curb the impacts of such unpredictable events.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We are not ready for the changes that are coming. We are not ready at all. We are not prepared enough. Some of the changes are even anticipated to be unexpected, because there are many complicated interacting factors. The wisest action would be to fix the situation we have now and prevent further damage, then we won’t even have to worry about the future.

The smartest way would be to stop the worsening of global warming by being vegan. It sounds very simple but it is the best solution, the most effective and the effect of it will be felt almost immediately.

So please, before the situation gets any more out of hand - let’s choose the vegan diet.

South Korean political leader pledges to promote organic vegetarianism for the environment.
As a new mayoral candidate for the capital Seoul, South Korea, former National Assembly Member Mr. Roh Hoe-chan and the New Progressive Party that he now heads have made five public pledges.

One is to provide free eco-friendly school meals throughout the city. Believing that organic, reduced meat foods are central to this plan, Mr. Roh, spontaneously invited co-citizens to an informal vegetarian lunch meeting to hear their views on the plant-based diet.

A supporter of Meatless Mondays, he shared his own thoughts about the importance of eating veg.

Roh Hoe-chan – South Korean National Assemblyman, Seoul Mayoral Candidate (M): Greenhouse gases emitted from the livestock industry are destroying the environment.

Because of this, I believe the vegetarian diet plays a key role in protecting the environment and sustaining the ecosystem. In that aspect, while car-free days are also important, meat-free days may be far more important.

VOICE: Sharing that he avoids eating meat himself as much as possible, Mr. Roh further stated that respect for animals is also an important determinant of a nation’s progress.

Roh Hoe-chan (M): The mistreatment of animals and mistreatment among humans are a hair-breadth apart. It becomes a habit and if it’s tolerated, eventually the strong come to abuse the weak among humans as well.
So it’s not merely an animal issue only.

VOICE: At the end of the conversation, Mr. Roh promised that he would work to promote the organic plant-based lifestyle, first by bringing vegetarian options to government and school cafeterias.

Roh Hoe-chan (M): I want more people to know that the vegetarian diet is crucial to creating a good environment.

Roh Hoe-chan and co-citizens (M): Vegetarianism is progress!

VOICE: We respectfully laud Party leader and mayoral candidate Mr. Roh Hoe-chan for advocating veg fare as the optimal way to a healthy, sustainable world.

May more wise government leaders act similarly to improve fellow citizens’ quality of life and save the planet through the organic vegan diet!

Water scarcity continues in Yemen, with some city dwellers in places like Taiz spending a third of their salary on the resource, as the less fortunate face even larger challenges and those in rural risk personal safety to travel for water each day.  


Extra News
Through a new web site sponsored by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment in Âu Lạc (Vietnam), young persons can share their ideas on eco-protection and green living, with online signatures resulting in the government’s contribution to a fund supporting youth volunteer activities.

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reports that in April 2010, the average US temperature was 2.3 degrees Fahrenheit higher and average precipitation 0.25 inches lower than the long-term average from 1901 to 2000.

Shanghai, China announces this year’s installation of 400 additional roadside charging points and up to 10 large charging stations to support the further adoption of eco-friendly electric bus transportation.