A-Z List of Animal Helpers   
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Our world has been bestowed with the beauty and service of animal life in myriad forms, big and small, each bringing gifts to enrich our existence. The following are just a few of these precious beings and their unique contributions, which are offered freely to benefit all on the planet.  (Not included herein are their invisible spiritual help.)

Ants aerate the soil and dig tunnels that provide channels for water to reach plants.

Apes are seed dispersal agents and help maintain the integrity of flora and fauna diversity

Bats disperse seeds; their guano provides fertilizer; researchers modeling after bats’ echolocation have invented a cane for the visually impaired.

Beavers build dams that help maintain wetlands.

Bees pollinate crops, fruit trees and flower blossoms.

Beetles’ method of gathering water on their wings is inspiring engineers to develop more efficient water harvesting technologies; their feet are being modeled after to invent better adhesives; help to control weeds

Birds disperse seeds and pollinate plants.

Chipmunks rejuvenate the forest.

Cows grazing naturally create a favorable environment for native herbs and other plants.

Deer foraging play an important role in shaping forest regeneration.

Dogs act as therapy companions and guides for the sight and hearing impaired; help with the disabled’s daily tasks; perform altruistic life-saving deeds for both humans and animals.

Dolphins are therapy and rescue animals ; assist also in finding ocean mines.

Earthworms improve soil fertility.

Elephants facilitate plant germination; aid rainforest regrowth; dig new water holes; make pathways used by humans and other animals.

Ferrets are the perfect size to help run cables through large electrical conduits.

Fish help mitigate climate change by maintaining the pH balance of marine ecosystems.

Frogs aid in nutritional cycling, are good ecological indicators of ecosystem stress, pesticide impact and other anthropogenic activities.  

Geckos’ feet have provided inspiration for scientists to invent a “super” adhesive. 

Geese and other waterfowl play a significant role in maintaining wetlands’ plant diversity.

Giraffes help protect and promote the growth of acacia trees in the savannah, which maintains the habitat’s ecological balance.

Goats help manage natural resources; control fire-prone bush vegetation; are vehicles of seed deposition away from the mother plant.

Grasshoppers perform the critical action of nutrient cycling through their consumption of plants’ biomass.

Hippopotamuses are keepers of swamps, dredgers of channels, and fertilizers of vegetation.

Horses are intelligent and sensitive therapy animals.

Iguanas are plant seed dispersal agents.

Insects pollinate plants; fertilize the soil with nutrients from their droppings, recycle biological materials into useful forms for other organisms; are responsible for much of the process by which topsoil is created.

Jellyfish inspired the development of a human-made green fluorescent protein which has become a useful tool in biological science and medicine.

Kangaroos play an important role in maintaining landscape structure; re-vegetate native grasses.

Krill help reduce CO2 from the ocean’s surface.

Llamas are employed in animal facilitative therapy because of their intelligence and calming effects.

Lobsters bring up organic matter from underground and recycle nutrients in the ecosystem; burrows provide shelter for other flora and fauna.

Manatees help clear plant-clogged river channels that are used for irrigation and transportation. 

Monkeys are important seed dispersers in their habitats; can assist people with disabilities.

Moose foraging plays a role in structuring forest growth and regeneration.

Nutcrackers help establish and disperse conifer seeds. 

Octopuses inspire scientists to invent a new generation of soft, flexible robots.

Orangutans are significant propagators of tropical, fruit-bearing trees, affecting rainforest regeneration and flora species diversity.           

Penguins help scientists understand the effects of climate change; their excrement can add large amounts of nutrients to the ocean.

Pheasants help build plant populations by spreading grains, seeds and berries. 

Pigeons can be effective messengers and help search and rescue missions at sea.

Pigs help disperse seeds and improve soil fertility.

Porcupines help disperse fruit seeds, aerate the soil and provide reservoirs for water, seeds and soil from their digging.

Quails are effective in seed dispersal and germination.

Rats have been safely trained to detect land mines and positive tuberculosis diagnoses in people.

Rabbits’ grazing and seed dispersal creates open areas and preserves plant species diversity; enhance soil fertility and plant growth; burrows provide nest sites and shelter for vertebrates and invertebrates.

Rhinoceroses maintain the health of their habitat through their pruning of bushes and small trees, which provides food for other animal species; germinate seeds of the plants they consume.

Sardines help prevent ocean dead zones by eating plankton and maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems.

Sea otters help protect and ensure the healthy growth of kelp forests. 

Sheep play a pivotal role in the management of natural resources; control fire-prone bush vegetation; are seed dispersal vectors.

Termites’ ability to maintain constant temperature in their habitat has inspired engineers and architects in their building designs.

Turtles help humans test wireless networks, transport nutrients from highly productive marine habitats such as sea-grass beds to energy-poor habitats like sandy beaches as they carry out their unique lifecycle.

Umbrella cockatoo and other parrots in the wild help aid in seed dispersal through their eating of fruit.

Vaquitas are small porpoises that help maintain the ecological balance of their gulf habitat.

Vultures contribute to good hygiene in the environment; reduce cases of rabies.

Walruses are a keystone species in the Arctic marine ecosystem.

Whales keep the ocean ecologically balanced; the sounds they make in the oceans could be signals used by other species; inspire efficient turbine engineering design.

Xenarthra are a group of placental mammals that provide fertilizer for the rainforests through their excretions.

Yaks disperse seeds of grass and other plants; provide fuel through their dung.

Zebras are one of the chief seed dispersal agents of grass and other plants.

We thank the Divine for these diverse wonders of the animal kingdom. Let us cherish and protect them always to grace our Earth with their irreplaceable presence.

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Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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