Fatalities from Q fever in the Netherlands - 21 Dec 2009  
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Despite efforts by the Dutch government to stem this animal-borne infectious disease transmitted primarily from goats, the incidence of Q fever has risen dramatically in the last three years, with 2,300 people infected in 2009 and six succumbing to the illness.

The number afflicted in 2009 more than doubled those in 2008 and is 13 times higher than in 2007. Q fever causes multiple symptoms including high temperature, headache, muscle pain, coughing and chills, with the most dangerous symptom being heart lining inflammation which can lead to death in vulnerable persons.
Saying that the disease has not yet spread to other European countries, officials state that the prevalence in the Netherlands may be due to the large number of animals on Dutch farms as well as the density of the human population.

Dutch officials, we appreciate your efforts to inform and protect the public by sharing this information. May all suffering from zoonotic infections soon vanish as humans choose plant-based foods and restore animals to lives of dignity and joy.


trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/killers_it/185

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