Extreme water contamination from factory farms - 5 Dec 2009  
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Research headed by Dr. Hans Schreier of Canada’s University of British Columbia has revealed that the Abbotsford aquifer, which provides drinking water for 100,000 people, is being severely polluted by manure from hundreds of thousands of livestock in British Columbia’s Fraser Valley. The manure is also responsible for 75% of the region’s toxic ammonia emissions, which are the highest in Canada.

In addition, regional wells have been found to contain high levels of nitrate, which is linked to Blue Baby syndrome, an illness in which the blood does not carry adequate oxygen for the child.

Our sincere thanks, Dr. Schreier and colleagues, for bringing more awareness to the many dangers of factory farming. May raising animals for food soon cease
for the greatest peace and health we can offer ourselves, our children and our Earth.

http://research.ires.ubc.ca/schreier/, http://www.ubc.ca/
http://www.irpp.org/po/archive/jul09/schreier.pdf,  http://www.winesofcanada.com/bc_fraser.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blue_baby_syndrome

trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/killers_it/162

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