Salviamo Luna - La storia d'amore di un'orca - P1/2    Parte 2
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the majestic mountains,magnificent landscapes and varied shoreline of Vancouver Island, Canada, the epic tale of a noble whale unfolded in tranquil ocean waters.

This true love story involved a young male Orca named Luna who became separated from his family and then befriended humans while staying in Nootka Sound on the island’s west coast. Luna’s amiability attracted journalists from around the world who wanted to witness and document the event.

Mike (m): My name is Mike Parfit. My wife Suzanne Chisholm and I came to the town of Gold River near the fjord called Nootka Sound to write an article about a whale.

It was supposed to be a little story, a curiosity, so we came here for three weeks. We stayed a little longer than we expected, three years, because a whale story is never a little story. And a life does not have to be human to be great.

 “Saving Luna” is a 93-minute documentary based on the couple’s extraordinary experiences with the Orca. The film depicts the heart-warming relationship between human and whale. Since its release, “Saving Luna” has garnered over 19 international awards.

Supreme Master Television had the honor of speaking with Mr. Parfit about his interactions with Luna and his work in producing the loving film.

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