Supreme Master Ching Hai on the Environment: Save Our Planet: Eliminate the Production of Meat - P1/6 Compilation of Supreme Master Ching Hai's lectures   
Parte 1 Play with windows media ( 59 MB )
Parte 2 Play with windows media ( 53 MB )
Parte 3 Play with windows media ( 56 MB )
Parte 4 Play with windows media ( 49 MB )
Parte 5 Play with windows media ( 53 MB )
Parte 6 Play with windows media ( 57 MB )

With diverse flora and fauna, magnificent natural landscapes, and an ecological biosphere that supports life, this wondrous planet is our earthly home.

From our animal co-inhabitants to the lush rainforests and life-giving soil, we cherish all these as gifts from the Creator. 

It is a common theme in the world’s major faiths that during our temporary stay here, we should be good stewards of Mother Earth. Throughout the years, Supreme Master Ching Hai has shared the message of leading a balanced life while following a spiritual path.

Not only must we nourish our spirits, but we share the responsibility to care for nature and our fellow beings. In light of recent scientific evidencewhich pinpoint the raising of livestock as the number one contributor to climate change, Supreme Master Ching Hai affirms the important message she has noted for over the past two decades: we must be vegetarian, meaning an animal-free diet, and practice sustainable living.

Today we present to you a compilation of Supreme Master Ching Hai’s lectures titled “Save Our Planet: Eliminate the Production of Meat.”

Collegamento Correlato
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Supreme Master Television ended broadcasting on January 2, 2012

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