Preschooler Humanitarian Riley Hebbard: A Toy for Every Child in Africa   

In their formative years, toys enrich the worlds of children. They are the building blocks of a castle, stuffed animals to love and superheroes to join in courageous deeds.
Toys aid children in their play behavior, and play is important to their healthy physical and emotional development.To five-year-old Riley Hebbard from Pennsylvania, USA, toys are also important.
They mean fun, happiness and comfort.

One day, when she saw on television some children around her age who were living in a refugee camp in Chad, near Darfur, Sudan, Riley felt sad and concerned. She saw that the children’s school had no furniture or carpet, and that the kids had no toys.

Rhonda (f):
Riley and I were getting ready for school and work one morning, and she noticed “The Today Show” episode. She noticed that the children at the school had no toys to play with. As she puts it, they had just sticks and stones and dirt. So she decided right then and there, she was going to send her old toys to the children in this school.

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