The Third Princess - P1/3 (In Aulacese)   

Chèo traditional opera is a folk theater art which originated from the regions near the mountains and from the plains of northern Âu Lạc. There are varied opinions about the beginning of chèo traditional opera: the earliest time is believed to be in 4th century BCE and the most recent is 14th century,at the end of the Trần dynasty. Chèo is a narrative genre of folk theater,recounting stories through a combination of
music, singing and dance. One of the unique features of chèo is a skillful portrayal of subtle gestures and movements.

During festivals,people in the plains of northern Âu Lạc often look forward to watching chèo traditional opera. The lyrics are infused with folk poetry and proverbs; tragedies are usually counter-balanced with satires. Chèo is replete with the pure simplicity of the common folk, yet equally profound in meaning.

『The Third Princess』is an Aulacese chèo traditional opera based on the legend of the One-thousand-Eye One-Thousand-Hand Mother Buddha in the treasure of Buddhist folklore. 『The Third Princess』 recounts the merit and virtue of King Trang Vương’s Third Princess, who exhibited piety,compassion,and a boundless spirit of sacrifice. This tale is also a wakening bell about the dire retribution of actions that harm virtuous and
true spiritual practitioners.

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La Somma Maestra Ching Hai parla dell'Ambiente
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Cucina semplice e nutriente con la Somma Maestra Ching Hai
The King & Co.
Aphorisms scrolls
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Supreme Master Ching Hai's Aphorisms
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