STOP ANIMAL CRUELTY Nathan Runkle, Founder of Mercy For Animals - P1/2   
Parte 1 Play with windows media ( 42 MB )
Parte 2 Play with windows media ( 42 MB )

The images in the following program are very sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However, we have to show the truth about cruelty to animals.

HOST: Respected viewers, on this week’s edition of Stop Animal Cruelty, we meet Nathan Runkle, the courageous vegan founder and executive director of Mercy For Animals, a non-profit animal advocacy group based in Chicago, USA.

The organization conducts sustained community outreach efforts and effective advertising campaigns to inform people of the exploitation and torture of farm animals and why we must switch to a plant-based diet.

Mercy For Animals also performs undercover investigations of factory farms in the US to bring to light the unfathomable barbarism and violence that occurs in the meat, dairy and egg industries on a daily basis.

Runkle(m):  We focus on protecting farmed animals because this is the area of animal abuse in our society where the largest number of animals are killed and exploited.

Over nine billion cows, pigs and chickens in the United States are killed for food every year. If we look at the global level we’re talking about over 50 billion farmed animals!

And each one of these animals are unique individuals with their own personalities and needs and interests. So Mercy For Animals sets out to expose the cruelty that’s taking place in factory farms and in slaughterhouses and inspire consumers to adopt a healthy and compassionate plant based diet.

For more details on Mercy For Animals,
please visit  

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