Brisbane, Australia screening of “Earthlings” documentary results in positive lifestyle choices - 18 Dec 2010  
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In animal welfare news, Brisbane, Australia screening of “Earthlings” documentary results in positive lifestyle choices. Animal Australia, an animal protection group, organized the showing of the film which describes the cruel treatment of our innocent co-inhabitants in a variety of industries. It is directed by Mr. Shaun Monson and narrated by Academy Award nominee Joaquin Phoenix, both of whom are vegan and from the United States.

(In English)
Tara (f):
I’m hoping that people feel the same way that I did when I first saw the film and that they’ll help spread the word about veganism and just making choices about the products that you buy and what you wear and what you eat.

ANCHOR: Attendees described how they were affected by the movie. (In English) Participant (m): It’s moved me and, and it’s really serious. We’re all equal on this planet. We need to make some changes.

(In English)
Participant (f):
Now that I’ve seen more about what goes on, it’s hard to get it out of my head. So, hopefully every time I think about eating something, then I’ll remember.

(In English)
Participant (f):
We both are vegetarian, but I’m definitely going vegan now!

(In English)
Amanda Benham (f):
My name’s Amanda Benham. I’m a vegan dietician and nutritionist. We don’t need to eat animals; we don’t need to wear animals; we don’t need to do anything bad to animals. So, hopefully we can all stop that and go vegan!

(In English)
Leigh Chantelle (f):
Halo, I’m Leigh Chantelle from I think it’d be great if people could show their family and their friends. This is a great way to get the message out to many people.

ANCHOR: Proceeds from the event will go to support Animals Australia campaigns to safeguard animals, as well as Nation Earth, the producer of “Earthlings.” Our many thanks, Animal Australia, for planning this gathering to increase compassionate awareness about our fellow inhabitants of this planet. May we all soon live in a world in which the life of each co-inhabitant is cherished.

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