Pemimpin Partai Buruh Demokratik Korea menyerukan peralihan ke pola makan nabati - 22 Sep 2008

Pemimpin Partai Buruh Demokratik Korea menyerukan peralihan ke pola makan nabati

Selain pantas dikagumi atas integritas beliau dan komitmennya terhadap pertanian, keamanan pangan, dan kesehatan publik, Anggota Dewan Korea Selatan dan ketua Partai Buruh Demokratis, Gang Gi-Gap dalam kehidupan sehari-harinya juga berlatih gaya hidup vegetarian. Supreme Master Television mempunyai kesempatan untuk berbicara dengan Anggota Dewan Gang tentang alasannya memilih pola makan nabati.

Gang Gi-Gap – Anggota Dewan, Pimpinan Partai Buruh Demokratik di Korea Selatan (L): Saya telah bervegetarian untuk waktu yang lama, saya sadar bahwa vegetarian adalah pola makan yang ramah lingkungan. Jika kita bervegetarian dan mengonsumsi makanan yang mengandung banyak hijau, elemen kelanjutan hidup dan vitalitas kita akan semakin berlimpah.

PEMBICARA: Hal yang juga menarik perhatian Anggota Dewan Gang adalah mengatasi krisis pangan global serta kewajiban moral dalam melindungi serta saling mengisi satu sama lain dengan bentuk kehidupan lain seperti hewan. Mantan petani sayur berdiskusi lebih jauh tentang tingginya sumbangsih peternakan hewan dalam pemanasan global.

Anggota Dewan Gang Gi-Gap (L): Dalam kasus pola makan daging, ada hubungan yang besar antara gas CO2 yang dihasilkan dari pemeliharaan hewan ternak dan juga kotoran hewan yang jumlahnya sangat serius. Dan menurut saya partai politik harus bercermin tentang hal ini dan mendapat penerangan terdahulu.

PEMBICARA: Kami memuji Anggota Dewan Gang atas kepeduliannya yang sungguh-sungguh terhadap masyarakat, hewan, dan Bumi ini. Semoga semua masyarakat berbagi kepada para petani untuk mencintai alam dan memelihara kehidupan, demi menjamin kelangsungan hidup kita dan vitalitas rumah planet kita.

Scientists find climate change on Mars resembles Antarctica. 

In studying more than 1,000 high resolution images sent back from NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, researchers around the globe are seeing a distinct similarity between the distant planet’s gullies and craters and a region on the Earth’s Antarctic known as McMurdo Dry Valleys. The changes on Mars appear to have taken place as recently as a few hundred thousand years ago, giving credence to the idea that Mars is still a dynamically evolving planet. Besides these similarities, researchers are also hoping that further studies of Mars will reveal more about the Earth’s formation.

Our accolades, NASA and scientists for these latest discoveries! We look forward to an ever more expanded understanding of our Earth and the universe around us.,, 

VOICE: The following is an excerpt from a  videoconference in which Supreme Master Ching Hai shared her valuable advice and revealed further insights into the mysteries of our universe.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai with Supreme Master Television staff
Los Angeles, California, USA – July 31, 2008

SupremeMasterTV (M): Some exciting new data has been sent back by NASA’s spacecraft currently circling around Mars, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. Pictures revealed that Mars once had diverse forms of water such as lakes and rivers – wet environments that might have supported life for thousands or even millions of years. Geologists have identified similar landforms between Mars and Alaska, such as evidence of ice avalanches which are now occurring more frequently in Alaska, most likely due to global warming. Master, you have spoken on several occasions about the parallels between the histories of Mars and Earth. Is it true that Mars experienced climate change at the hands of its inhabitants like our planet? Did the Martians have a chance to save their planet?
Supreme Master Ching Hai : They did have. The warning came like 20 or 30 years Earth time to them. The last urgent signs they had were about five years before the destruction. They did have a chance, but they did not do it.

SupremeMasterTV (M): Why is that, Master?

Supreme Master Ching Hai :  Because they did not know about the vegetarian diet that could change. At that moment, there were not enough people to stand up and communicate the urgency of the planet as well as the solution, like the vegetarian diet, the way we are doing now.

SupremeMasterTV (M): And Master, how about our planet, do people know the chance?

Supreme Master Ching Hai : : There are some people who don’t know what to do. And of course some people who know what to do because we inform them or the United Nations inform them or the scientists inform them, but they still did not change their habit. So, if we continue not changing our habit, then the planet will be destroyed, just the way Mars has been destroyed.

Supreme Master Ching Hai :  Right now, we are doing a lot of things; we inform people and distributing leaflets and all that, but we will have to rely on Heaven’s grace if we are to survive.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
with Formosa (Taiwan) press - October 25, 2007

Chen: Just now you mentioned that Mars was like the Earth in the past. At present, the most popular topic under discussion in the world is the issue of global warming.

Supreme Master Ching Hai :  Right.

Chen: So is this a really serious problem? Will the Earth really face the end of the world?

Supreme Master Ching Hai :  It is serious. If we don’t find ways to improve, it’ll be serious, and very soon, sooner than we can imagine.

Plants discovered to communicate change.

Scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado, USA have found that plants reacting to stressors such as drought and high temperatures release a chemical that resembles aspirin into the air. This substance not only boosts the plant’s defenses against injury, it is now thought to signal nearby plants of danger. Researcher Alex Guenther said, “These findings show tangible proof that plant-to-plant communication occurs on the ecosystem level. It appears that plants have the ability to communicate through the atmosphere.”

In a videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai on February 7, 2008, she shared the following:

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai with Supreme Master Television staff
Los Angeles, California, USA – February 7, 2008

Supreme Master Ching Hai : It's a very rare gift.  And it's a very beautiful jewel.  It exists because it's due to exceptional good merit of all its co-inhabitants, namely humans, animals, even minerals and plants, trees. 

If we really appreciate this planet.  All of the co-inhabitants must continue in a meritorious way so that, we can keep it and enjoy the planet. 

What an illuminating concept! Our appreciation, Dr. Guenther and colleagues at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, for this glimpse into the intricacy of our beautiful biosphere! May your findings remind us to be more considerate stewards of our shared planetary home.

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